IAB Europe Webinar Recording: Research Awards Winners – Advertising Effectiveness and Cross-device Measurement

This is the first of two webinars showcasing the winners of the IAB Europe 2018 Research Awards which recognise and celebrate the research projects and the contribution they have made to the development of the digital advertising industry.
The winning case studies of the Brand Advertising Effectiveness, Advertising Solutions, Audience Measurement and Consumer Devices categories were explored.
The winning case studies that were presented are:
- Brand Advertising Effectiveness winner: On Device Research, Google, OMD, Essence, MediaLab – From On-device to Out-of-home
- Audience Measurement winner: Médiamétrie – Total Internet Audience in France
- Advertising Solutions winner: comScore – Free Viewability
- Consumer Devices winner: OMD Spain – CROSSroads™
You can watch the recording HERE.