Research & Thought Leadership


IAB Europe aims to combat stakeholder concerns and address some of the challenges that the industry is facing by looking at the different components of quality which combine to create a successful digital ad campaign. The IAB Europe Quality Task Force is delivering several initiatives to drive brand advertising investment into digital, including standards, certification and research and education.

These are the Quality topics as defined by the task force:

  • Delivery: reach of intended target groups; viewable ad impressions; non-human traffic; brand safety
  • Environment: ad positioning; relevance of content; placing and proportion of content; credibility of content; user loyalty and topicality of content in relation to advertising; level of professionalism of content
  • Media product: dimensions, multimedia capabilities and the functionality of advertising formats
  • Campaign: the essential creative idea within the ad

Within the delivery topic, viewable ad impressions is the current priority.

For more information please contact
Marie-Clare Puffett

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