The IAB Europe team will be at DMEXCO in Cologne, on the 11-12 September. Don’t miss our panels of industry leaders where you can hear abo...
12 August 2019
Meet IAB Europe at DMEXCO 
Digital audio is not a new concept but as it grows it is causing a shift-change in the advertising landscape. From streaming our favourite m...
8 August 2019
Programmatic Audio Blog series – developments, opportunities and challenges 
Author: Phil Sumner, Global Media Insights Director, Teads and IAB Europe Board member Digital advertising spend has not experienced a decli...
30 July 2019
Digital Ad Spend in Europe – additional perspectives 
This week, IAB Europe member Sublime announced the results of its research into campaign efficiency versus exposure frequency, and found the...
24 July 2019
Member Research: Campaign overexposure has negative impact on branding performance 
Author: Alwin Viereck, Head of Programmatic Advertising and Ad Management, United Internet Media The king is dead, long live the king! What ...
23 July 2019
Unified ID – Why Identity becomes a key success factor in the post cookie era 
When I wrote about digital transformation last year I prefaced that blog by admitting that I am no expert in this field. I wouldn’t say th...
17 July 2019
In the works: the IAB Europe Digital Transformation Playbook – get involved! 
IAB Europe is delighted to introduce its new marketing team consisting of myself, Marie-Clare Puffett and my colleague Helen Mussard, with s...
15 July 2019
Introduction to IAB Europe’s new marketing team 
In this blog series, IAB Europe’s Brand Advertising Committee and its members explore key perspectives and the latest developments in the ...
15 July 2019
Member blog: Quality and Viewability blog series: How Open Measurement unlocks scale 
There are over 4 billion Internet users in the world[1]. That is higher than the global number of those using something as ubiquitous as a m...
10 July 2019
The digital skill gap: why it matters and how you can get involved in addressing it 
Author: Kristanne Roberts, Global Development Director – Digital, Kantar Now a €7.6bn European market, digital video advertising adoptio...
9 July 2019
As online video budgets increase – is the industry chasing short-sighted gains? 
The fact that the technology underpinning most of digital advertising evolves at breakneck speed is not news to anyone. Heck, it’s almost ...
3 July 2019
Demystifying blockchain: present and future 
Authors: Anton Kopytov, Chair IAB Europe Research Committee and Partner Technology Consulting, Mindshare Phil Sumner, Global Media Insight D...
3 July 2019
IAB Europe’s Effectiveness Measurement Survey Paints a Picture of an Incoherent Measurement E...